Hey there!

I’m Jennifer Foster, creator of beautiful things, chocolate lover, overcomer, BFF, and mama to 5, whose home and heart are always open.

Welcome to my life!!

I am a small-town Louisiana girl living in a big city world. I am obsessed with Mexican food, margarita nights, travel, and my babies, whom I think can do no wrong.

So...how did I get here? Ever since I was a little girl, I constantly faced some form of adversity, but I always met it head-on. I had grit even when I didn’t know what that was.

Raised by a struggling single momma, I was surrounded by much love but few choices. I remember getting my first job at 15 and the sense of accomplishment it gave me. By the time I turned 18, I had held down three jobs at once and quickly learned that if I wanted something, I had to put in a lot of hard work to achieve it.

Fast forward to now, I find myself starting over in life—a divorcée with five beautiful children and the desire to allow myself to dream again. Here I am.

Through this journey called life, I have found out, by accident, that I am truly passionate about so much. Design is one of those passions, but it is much more than creating beautiful spaces that are functional and full of carefully curated designs.

For me, interior design is more about creating a place of peace, rest, and relaxation for todays busy, hard-working family. A place you can’t wait to come home to and you never want to leave.

I should have known that my 15-year-old self would find herself here someday. Full of the same grit, still dreaming and not afraid to tackle the hard stuff.